Learn at our Academy

Do you find entrepreneurship a tough job? Do you want to grow your business to the next level? Or do you want to learn how to become a successful investor? Do you have financial goals you want to achieve? Stribe Academy provides training in the areas of personal development, entrepreneurship, investment and financial freedom. View our training programs and become unprecedentedly successful!

Stribe Academy

Our trainings are offered by experts in the fields of personal growth, business and investing. Especially for entrepreneurs, we offer Pitch Deck training, Mentorship packages and Integral Business coaching. Especially for investors, we have 'Invest with Success' and 'The Mini Real Estate Course'.

Our courses

Do It Yourself - Pitch Deck
609.00 2999.00
Jeroen van der Heide view item
Invest with Succes (only in Dutch yet)
999,- (only in Dutch yet) 1999,-
Tamara Straatman view item
The Mini Real Estate Course (only in Dutch yet)
99.00 397.00
Marijn & Chantalle Noordermeer view item

Our trainers

Tamara Straatman
Jeroen van der Heide
Ko Henderiks
Marijn & Chantalle Noordermeer

Allow me to introduce...

Tamara Straatman

Tamara Straatman has been working as an NLP coach, trainer and speaker for over 14 years. She has studied NLP, immersed herself in the health sciences Quantum Physics and Epi genetics, and has attended trainings around the world from Tony Robbins, Keith Cunningham, Toniic and Simone Levie, among others, in personal development, wealth building and effective leadership. She is happy to share this knowledge with you through Integral Business coaching, or attending her 'Invest with Success' training.

Jeroen van der Heide

We help you to optimize your Impact business and make your business 100% investor ready, by optimizing the necessary documentation. In cooperation with the start-up we create a professional Impact Investor deck and financial plan. To set up an efficient process we use smart online tools and our online platform. Why should you build everything from scratch, when you have smart tools that save you a lot of time (the biggest asset for a start-up)?

Ko Henderiks

Ko Henderiks is a commercial banker in heart and soul. The thread of his working life is formed by initiating, implementing, banking and realizing financial activities in the broadest sense of the word. His personal approach is not based on scientific theories or complicated methodologies, but on more than 30 years of practical experience within large Dutch multinationals and banks.

Marijn & Chantalle Noordermeer

In 2013, we started entrepreneurship and we always had to make a choice then: either work hard/much and no free time but money or work less and lots of free time but no money. And we thought: THAT HAS TO BE DIFFERENT! We then started looking for ways to change our lives and eventually ended up investing in real estate and became financially free. And what we can do, you can do it too! We are not unique, smart or special. What we do know is how to invest smartly in real estate and it is our passion to transfer this knowledge to others to generate passive income ourselves.

Want to know more about our training?
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